Trimester 2 Summative Assessments
It has been a while since the last blog post but we are attempting to get back to a normal routine in terms of blog posting! This return post is about Trimester Summative Assessments!
I have had several questions about Trimester 2 summative assessments and I've compiled them into Frequently Asked Questions!n (FAQ's)
1) What are the dates and the schedule?
They begin Wednesday, March 8 and continue until Friday, March 10. Each day there will be an
assessment in the morning and one in the afternoon. Here is the schedule:
2) Is the Middle School schedule changed too?
The answer is yes. Since the High School and Middle School share some teachers, in order to make it viable for all teachers to give an assessment we have to mirror the 2 schedules. Middle Schoolers do not have assessments but instead have extended periods that affords the teachers opportunities to go deeper into the curriculum with students. The schedule adjustment for middle school is here:
3) Why are we having them again?
We use a system of trimesters - our classes are either 1 trimester, 2 trimesters, or 3 trimesters. This means that some class need a summative to end the course, some need a summative as a "mid-term", and some classes are taking a 2nd summative as they finish 24 weeks of a course.
4) Will we have summative assessments to end the year?
Here again the answer is yes. That schedule will be announced in May. Seniors will have a shortened assessment period to finish all academic requirements before graduation on June 2. The rest of the student body will have trimester assessments scheduled for the last week of school.
5) What if I'm absent?
The student should immediately see the teachers to arrange a make up time. (We encourage students to avoid scheduling appointments that happen during school hours to avoid this situation.)
6) What does incomplete mean?
An incomplete is granted when there are extenuating circumstances that a student needs to be out of school. An incomplete is a temporary extension. The student will have up to 10 school days after the close of the trimester to make up all work otherwise it is graded according to our reporting standards. Example: March 10 is the close of the Trimester - incomplete work must be completed by Friday March 24.
7) May I come in late or leave early if I don't have a assessment?
The answer is no. We expect all students to be at school for the full assessment days.
8) Can I make up a Summative Assessment?
The answer to this question is no. This is an assessment to see what the learning is up to this point an time. Therefore this is a one shot test, which simulates other national standardized tests. This gives a picture of student's achievement toward the course standards.
As more questions arise I will add them to this list! Good luck to our students as they get ready for these assessments! Go warriors!