Thursday, December 29, 2016

Cell phones, Beverages and Attendance!

On Wednesday January 4, 2017 school will resume and we sincerely hope everyone has had a fun and relaxing Christmas break! As we begin the new year this is a great opportunity to remind everyone of the expectations coming into school:

First Cell Phones: Our rule/policy is that cell phones can be used before school, after school, and during the lunch break.  The remainder of the school day our rule is that cell phones must be off and away. This includes between classes. Students have seen the following sign posted in all our classrooms. Our district cell phone policy can be found here: JICJ Electronic Communication Devices.
Please note Valley Rivers Middle School students are not allowed to have cell phones during the school day!

Second beverages:  Our school rule is students are allowed to have WATER only in clear water bottles. We discourage students from bringing soda, energy drinks, coffee, and fast food type drinks (ie: Frappes, etc.) - this includes lunch time.  Our district has a policy:EFEB Nutritional Standards.  If a student is in possession of these types of drinks they will be confiscated and disposed of immediately per the policy.  Please do not allow your child to bring these items into school for any reason.

Third Attendance:  If your child is going to be absent from school you may call the school directly or send a note when your child returns to school.  Our attendance campaign slogan: "You must be present to win!" still applies! Research shows that attendance and academic success are closely related. Our district attendance policy can be found here: JEAA Student attendance. It defines excused vs unexcused absences, legitimate absences and truancy. 

We look forward to the continuation of a great school year with your support on these issues!

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